Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/27

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digestion should be very careful in the choice of their food, and experience,will teach them best what kind of food to take and what to avoid.

It is impossible to give precise directions for all cases, because they vary so much; and the diet most likely to be suitable to each individual must be left to the discretion of the patient or his physician; but it is always advisable to have the diet fixed by the medical attendant.

In addition to the diet above-mentioned (for dinner), one roll may be eaten, and most patients are allowed to drink either half a pint of red or white wine, or one pint of beer.

As I have mentioned that the patient may even eat salad, many people will ask: What kind of food is it that is strictly forbidden? The answer will be, that there are circumstances which forbid everything, and others which forbid nothing; as a general rule, however, not too many dishes should be consumed, and all articles containing much fat and being heavy of digestion, are carefully to be avoided, such as goose liver, patties, lobster salad with oil dressing, eels, smoked salmon, &c., or dried peas, haricot beans, sour cucumbers, cucumber salad, raw fruits, excepting strawberries. Dishes made palatable by adding a little lemon juice or vinegar, may be enjoyed by most of the patients. Many people are accustomed to take a