Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/29

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their rooms, either on an easy chair or in bed. The question may be asked: What are those persons to do who cannot walk at all? Experience leads to the belief that the mineral waters of Carlsbad agree best with the constitutions of those patients who only take moderate exercise (during and after the use of the waters), instead of walking fast and mounting the neighbouring hills. Strong and robust people, whose illness has been brought about by sedentary habits, may move about as much as they like; weak and thin persons, on the contrary, should walk little and rest occasionally; some of them, indeed, will derive great benefit from drinking the waters, or, at least, some tumblersful at home, and even while in bed.

Smoking is to be restricted to its utmost limits, as it very often causes disease of the stomach, and is never to be allowed before breakfast.

Cultivation of the Teeth.—Although it is erroneous to think that the mineral waters of Carlsbad are detrimental to the enamel of the teeth, it is, nevertheless, better to clean them after the use of the waters, as they are covered during the night with a mucous substance that guards them against the influence of the waters; for cleaning the teeth it is best to use fresh