Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/35

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used preliminary to the visit to Carlsbad, or after the return from it; it may also be taken by people who are unable to visit Carlsbad, especially by transatlantic patients, and eventually it may be used as a trial in doubtful cases. It is either used cold, or better, each tumblerful is artificially warmed by putting it into hot water, and testing it with a glass thermometer till it has acquired the necessary temperature, that is about 40° R. (122° F.). This is the best way of raising the water to a proper and equal temperature.

To obtain the mineral water direct from Carlsbad, patients should apply to Herrn Lobel Schottländer, at the office for the exportation of the Carlsbad mineral waters. The prices are for cases containing 20 bottles of four tumblers each, 6 fl. or 12 Mk.=12 sh.; 30 bottles, 9 fl. or 18 Mk.=18 sh.; 50 bottles, 13 fl. or 26 Mk.=26 sh.


1. Situation.

Carlsbad lies in a rather narrow valley of the county of Eger, in the Kingdom of Bohemia; it is situated 1124 feet above the level of the North-sea, and close to the confluence of the Tepl and the Eger. The greater part of the mountains surrounding the town are covered with pine trees, beeches, &c., and consist of fine and coarse-grained granite. The