Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/38

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4. Extension of the Town.

Carlsbad possesses 859 houses, most of which are fitted up for the reception of visitors, and are marked with house plates for better distinction. The town, which is constructed on both banks of the river Tepl, partly in the valley, partly on the mountain slopes, extends almost without any interruption from the Franz Josef (Eger) bridge to the Protestant Church, a distance of about fifty minutes’ walk, and its two parts are connected by fifteen bridges.

5. Squares and Streets.

On the left bank is the Marktplatz (Market-place); down the river the Mühlbadgasse, the Parkstrasse, the Quai (embankment), the Gartenzeile, the Bahnhof Strasse; up the river the Alte Wiese (Old Meadow), at the bottom of which, to the right, the Mariengässchen, then the squares facing the Sächsische Saal and Pupp’s Establishment; at the upper part of the Marktplatz, the Schlossplatz, the Schlossberg, to the left the Hirschensprunggasse; behind the Alte Wiese, the Wiesenberg.

On the right bank the Kirchenplatz (Church Square); down the river, the Sprudelgasse, turning up the hill into the Andreasgasse and leading into the Kreuzgasse, the Kaiser- and Eger Strasse; from the Kirchenplatz up the river, the Kirchengasse,