Page:Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia - 1906.djvu/182

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On the occasion of the Austrian Exhibition, Earl’s Court, London 1906—we conceived the idea to introduce to our English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh friends the Real Bohemian and his work and to destroy thus the spurious Bohemian they have been deceived with.

Circumstances did not permit of the arrangement of a special Bohemian Exhibition in London, in which we could have done justice to the natural good taste and honest workmanship of our industrious people by giving a complete display of their productions, and where with adequate space we might with artistic scenic effects have given a pictorial introduction to all British travellers intending to visit our beloved fatherland and enjoy the sight of its natural beauties, architecture and art treasures. As it is we have to content ourselves with a display of moderate dimensions, and therefore in the Bohemian Section it has been our aim to show only what we deemed most likely to be attractive to our visitors and make them to a certain extent, acquainted with the charms of our dear old picturesque towns, the