Page:Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia - 1906.djvu/226

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The towns too, have much in them to attract, and are well worthy of a visit; not only from the ordinary novelty-seeking tourist, but from all who claim to be cultured lovers of art; to such, Bohemian towns offer a rich feast in their stores of artistic treasures and the number of fine examples of architectural design; ecclesiastical, palatial or simple but quaintly domestic.

And this peculiarly charming field of interest is not situated in some part almost inaccessible, or even badly served in the matter of railway facilities. It is in the centre of Europe surrounded by such well-known places as Munich, Budapest, Krakov, Vratislav (Breslau), and Dresden, and from all of which there is a good train service, and from none of the places mentioned can it be said to be a tedious journey to any point in Bohemia to which we desire to introduce the reader.

Visitors to Carlsbad or any of the places patronised for their mineral waters and baths, ought not to miss the opportunity of seeing PRAGUE („Praha“ in Bohemian) the capital of the kingdom and the centre of Bohemian national and intellectual life. A description of Prague and its inhabitants and information as to the best way to view its many attractions, is given in another part, it is our special duty to direction as to the best way of getting from any of the mineral water centres to Prague and back.

1st, to the South of the Kingdom the scene of so many important historical events in connection with the Hussite wars. In this part there is to be seen some of the most famous seats of the Bohemian nobility. To visitors interested in pisciculture, this region can show the latest methods successfully adopted in fish-culture; the living evidence of which is to be seen in the many well-stocked fish-ponds common to this part of the country.

2nd, into the West, the land of romantic beauty, and through the virgin forests of the Šumava (Bohemian Forest) to the seats of the Chods; the old Bohemian borderers and hereditary guardians of the frontier who like their neighbours of Pilsen have preserved their characteristic National Costume.

3nd, Next, to the East of Bohemia beneath the Krko-