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Haiti: Her History and Her Detractors

to the fierce attacks of Capois. Both sides fought with desperate bravery. The native generals, incited by Dessalines's presence and also by the goal they wished to reach, were often seen during the bloody struggle fighting gun in hand side by side with their soldiers. As to Capois, he compelled the applause even of Rochambeau; driven off by the relentless fire of the enemy, his army unceasingly returned to the charge, stimulated by the audacity with which its leader was defying death. Horse and rider rolled on the ground as a cannon ball hit the General's charger; but with lightning rapidity Capois extricated himself, and sword in hand he once more rushed back to his place at the head of his soldiers. Amidst the hurrahs of the French troops Rochambeau gave order for the firing to cease, and a cavalryman proceeded toward the amazed natives. "Captain-General Rochambeau," said he, "congratulates the General who has just covered himself with so much glory."

The messenger withdrew and the fight was resumed, until in the afternoon a torrential rain put an end to the battle. Both sides lost heavily. But the consequences of this encounter were of the greatest importance to the natives: they acquired possession of a country.

Rochambeau hastened to return to Cap-Français, the exterior fortifications of which were partly evacuated. On the same night, November 18, he sent a flag of truce to Dessalines; and on the 19th the following capitulation was agreed upon:

"This day, the 27th Brumaire, of the 12th year (19 November, 1803), the Adjutant Commandant Duveyrier, having received full power from General Rochambeau, Commander-in-Chief of the French army, to treat for the surrender of the town of Cape, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, General of the native army, have agreed on the following articles, viz.:

"I. The town of the Cape (Cap-Français) and the forts dependent thereon shall be given up in ten days, reckoning from to-morrow, the 28th of Brumaire, to General-in-Chief Dessalines.