Page:Harmony of the divine attributes displayed in the redemption and salvation of sinners by Jesus Christ.pdf/37

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opposites may meet together harmoniously. This glorious meeting lays a foundation for these happy meetings. 2dly, There are seeming opposites that meet together harmoniously, by virtue of this glorious meeting, as, 1. These opposite like perfections of God meet together, and kiss each other harmoniously, that opposite-like providences might meet together, and kiss each other. There are frowning providences, and smiling providences, crosses and comforts in the believer’s lot; here is a providence that favours the promise, and there is a providence that seems to contradict the promise; here is an up, and there is a down. Well, how shall these unite together ? Why, they meet and embrace each other in Christ, the meeting place ; For all things work together for good to them that love him, and are the called according to his purpose. Hence we will find not only light and darkness in the believer’s lot, but sometimes light and darkness meeting together, Zech. xiv. 7. There you read of a day, that there is neither day nor night, yet a day known to the Lord, neither clear nor dark but at evening time it shall be light. There evening darkness ushering in the morning lignt. Hence they have occasion both to sing of mercy and of judgment; because of their meeting together, and kissing each other, and working together for good; behold the cross and the crown meeting together. 2. These opposite like perfections of God meet together, and kiss each other, that opposite-like desires may meet, and embrace each other, while mercy desires our life, and justice seems to demand our death, these are reconciled only in Christ, in whom Mercy and Truth, Righteousness and Peace meet and embrace each other, But look to our own desire of God’s glory, and our salvation, men and angels could never have contrived how these two desires could be reconciled, if mercy and truth had not met together, and kissed each other; for the glory of God’s truth and righteousness, in the threatening of his law, seems to rest satisfied with nothing less than our destruction ; and therefore to desire God’s glory, would have been to desire our own damnation : and consequently in desiring our own salvation, we must have