Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 9.djvu/240

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HARVARD LAW REVIEW, Published monthly, during the Acadennic Year, by Harvard Law Students. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 50 PER ANNUM 35 CENTS PER NUMBER, Editorial Board. li]Gn^. OgD'E.^, Ediior~in- Chief. Justin I). I'xjw ersock, 7'reasurer. Douglas Cami'Bell, Edward K. Hall, Edward R. Coffin, James P. Hall, Robert Cushman, ' Logan Hay, Robert G. Dol-ge, William H. C. Kollmer, David A. Ellis, Herheri C. Lakin, Louis A. Frothingham, Archibald C. Mattesox, Albert K. Gerald, Henry Ware. The Law School. — The year starts with some changes in the curricu- lum. Professor Langdell has discontinued his course upon Suretyship and Mortgage, and in its place a course on Suretyship will be given under Professor Ames, who, in turn, has given up his course on Quasi Con- tracts. The half- course. Contracts II. has been merged into the former course on Quasi-Contracts, and both will now be given together as one course under Professor Wambaugh. Professor Beale has undertaken the course on International Law in the college, and some other changes of minor importance have been made. The returns now at hand show a proportionally unprecedented in- crease in the numbers of the school. Full statistics will be given in the December number. The Nevs^ Quinquennial Catalogue. — Those members of the Har- vard Law Scho 4 Association who were present at the Langdell Anniver- sary celebration in June were each made the recipient of the new cata- logue, and any meml)ers who have not as yet received a copy should apply for one at once to the librarian. The catalogue accounts for 6,210 past and present members of the school, as against 5,470 in the last quinquen- nial. A complete geographical list of living graduates is introduced for the first time, affording ready reference to the body of Harvard Law School men in every part of the country. As this book supersedes the previous catalogues of the Law School Association, the names of its mem- bers appear in the geographical list in small capitals. The catalogue is put forth as the joint work of the Association and of the School, but the greater portion of the labor fell upon the librarian ; and it was in appre- ciative recognition of this fact that Mr. Arnold was unanimously elected to honorary membership at the last annual meeting. The preparation of a work of this kind inv.olves an enormous amount of labor, and the whole body of our graduates is to be congratulated upon its successful completion.