Page:Harveian Oration for MDCCCXXXVIII; being a tribute of respect for the memory of the late James Hamilton, Sen. M.D (IA b30377353).pdf/6

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as well as latest ornaments of this Society. The name of Dr James Hamilton stands first in the list of original members,—and though it is now two years and a half since he died, and a considerably longer period since he appeared at any of our convivial meetings, there is not one of us who does not cherish a most lively remembrance of his venerable aspect, his graceful manners, and his solid worth; and I may venture to hope, that not one who is here present will think a few minutes misspent in the recital of some particulars of his active and useful professional life.

He was descended from one of the most ancient and honourable families in Scotland,—the family of Preston, said to be the oldest cadet of the house of Hamilton. His great-grandfather Gavin Hamilton of Airdrie had two sons, Robert and William. Robert succeeded to his father’s estate; and on the death of Sir Robert Hamilton, became the representative of the house of Preston, and acquired the right to the title of Baronet; which, however, he did not assume, on account of the losses which his kinsman Sir Robert had sustained, while he acted as commander of the army of the Covenanters at the battles of Drum clog and Both-