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religiously living the truth, we come more and more into the light and love and joy of it. As saith the Lord: "He that doeth truth cometh to the light."

In this and in no other way can our souls be prepared for the light by which the angels see. If we seek and love and reverently follow the light of heavenly truth while here on earth, we shall be prepared to rejoice in the glad beams of heaven's Sun when we enter the other world. But if, on the contrary, we care nothing about it, take no delight in it, turn our thoughts away from it, and walk not according to it, we shall gradually incapacitate ourselves for receiving it. Every infringement of known spiritual laws, is an injury to the soul's eyesight. And if disobedience or neglect be persisted in, we shall be unable to bear the light of the spiritual Sun in the great Hereafter. We shall hate and flee from it, and choose instead the "outer darkness," as owls and bats shun the light of day, and prefer instead the shades of night. Agreeable to the Lord's own words: "He that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved." And what darkness is so dreadful as that which results from the loss of the moral or spiritual eyesight!—the loss of all desire for the true light, and even of the capacity to receive or apprehend it! "If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" saith the Lord.

Thus the practical tendency of this disclosure is seen to be good and wholesome. For it teaches that our spiritual vision while we are yet in the flesh, is becoming dimmed or clarified according to our degree of af-