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with decorations which no words can adequately describe.

I have also been informed that not only the palaces and houses, but the minutest particulars both within and without them, correspond to the interior things in the angels of the Lord; that the house itself in general corresponds to their good, and the various things within it to the various particulars of which their good is composed. —H. H. n. 185, 186.

Now all this is seen to be in perfect agreement with the laws of the spiritual world as unfolded by the same author. It is precisely what might have been logically inferred, if the ruling loves of heaven and the law that determines the phenomenal world there, be what he so often tells us they are. Everything he has said about the habitations of the angels, is found to be in perfect harmony with all his other disclosures, and to follow by strict logical sequence from his fundamental principles. So that what has been revealed through him on this subject is seen to have the merit of perfect consistency; and it is not less reasonable than consistent.

The houses in heaven, we are told, correspond to the character or internal state of those who live in them. They are the visible representatives of the ruling loves of their occupants. And so exact is the correspondence that no angel can dwell permanently in any other house than his own; for no other would be in correspondence with his state of life. His house is, in fact, a normal outbirth from his own state, built up or created from it and in correspondence with it.

As the angels are all in states of love akin to the Lord's own,—all in bright, cheerful, affectionate, happy states,