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of different people even in the same climate, country, city or village—various in color, form and material. This variety results from the variety of mental states—from a diversity of tastes which is its underlying and efficient cause; and it proves that garments are chosen to gratify an implanted want of the soul not less than an immanent need of the body.

The same truth is further evinced by the well-known fact that the soul of the same individual instinctively craves different garments when in different states. Today you wear one that satisfies the demands of both body and soul. To-morrow some specially sad or joyous event occurs, and the soul requires a different garment—more sombre or more gay according to the nature of the event, and thus corresponding more truly with your mental state. Every one perceives how inappropriate a ball-room dress would be at a funeral,—so inappropriate, indeed, that our best feelings would be disturbed if not shocked by such unfitness. And why? Clearly because there are certain wants of the soul as well as of the body which garments are required to satisfy. And a brilliant dress on a solemn occasion fails to meet this requirement. Why do little children prefer garments of bright and gay colors? Not because these make their bodies more comfortable, but because they better correspond with, and satisfy the requirements of, their gay and gladsome spirits. For a similar reason old age usually prefers garments of grave and sombre colors; for such colors are in close correspondence with the sober thoughts of age, and therefore more satisfying to the soul's requirements.