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that all infants dying unbaptized, were doomed to eternal hell torments. And all the distinguished lights (?) and recognized authorities in the various Protestant churches —including Luther, Melancthon, Calvin and Beza, and many eminent professors of theology after them, the English and German churches, the Synod of Dort, and the famous Westminster Assembly of divines—believed that everlasting hell torments will be the portion of some, at least, who die in infancy and childhood.[1] This belief is seen to be one of the legitimate offspring of the doctrine of unconditional election and reprobation, which was generally accepted by all Protestant churches a hundred years ago.

It is needless to make any comments on this doctrine, or to attempt to prove its falsity. For in the light of to-day—the dawning light of the New Jerusalem which is being universally diffused—every one sees that it is not only false, but so monstrous and cruel that no intelligent and humane person thinks of accepting it. And although it may still linger in some of the creeds, or be fairly deducible from other articles there, the staunchest Calvinistic minister of to-day would hardly dare to proclaim such a doctrine before an intelligent congregation, or even hint his belief in it; or if he should, he might expect his people would very soon be on the lookout for another minister. How great, then, must have been the spiritual darkness of the church, when such a doctrine could have been generally accepted! And how

  1. See the many and high authorities on this subject quoted and referred to in Part I. of Beauty for Ashes, by the author.