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all such, finds its truest expression in those divine words, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Let this new doctrine concerning marriage be generally accepted and made a doctrine of life, and what a change would shortly come over the face of human society! What different fathers and mothers should we have! What different sons and daughters! What a different atmosphere in all our homes! What a change would ere-long be wrought in the whole social, moral and religious aspect of Christendom! Married life would everywhere cease to be dull or insipid, and would be regarded as the very image of heaven on earth, as indeed it would be. And millions of hearts would feelingly and joyfully respond to the sentiment of the poet,

"There's a bliss beyond all that the minstrel has told,

When two that are linked in one heavenly tie,

With heart never changing and brow never cold,

Love on through all ills, and love on till they die.

One hour of a passion so sacred, is worth

Whole ages of heartless and wandering bliss;

And, oh! if there be an Elysium on earth,

It is this—it is this!"



WHENEVER a person contemplates a change of residence, one of the first questions he usually asks himself, is, How shall I employ myself in my new abode? And it is equally natural for those who are