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beings (for angels are all human) forever occupied in any of these supposed ways—what could be more absurd! Whichever supposition you choose, presents heaven to us as little else than a solemn farce. For all the above-mentioned ways of living, when regarded as regular occupations, fall far below the ordinary employments of people here on earth, in point of both dignity and importance.

Some may think this language too strong when applied to the last named occupation. But consider the subject for a moment. Is there no higher kind of worship than oral prayer and hymns of thanksgiving and praise? These, rightly regarded, are not ends, but simply means to an end. They are a means of opening the soul to a freer influx,of the Lord's love and wisdom, and thus leading us to act in accordance with his will in the manifold relations of life. To regard them as anything more or other than helps to greater fidelity in the discharge of our ordinary duties, is to commit a serious mistake.

Suppose people on earth should devote themselves exclusively to praying and psalm-singing, making this their regular occupation: should we think they were thereby worshiping God in a manner most acceptable to Him? Would they thus be fulfilling the great end of their creation? Would the various wants and faculties of the soul find their full gratification in such exercises? Is this man's proper employment? So far from it, the individual who should make it the regular business of his life, would justly be regarded as insane.

Besides, what use would be subserved by it, if enV