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present in his own works, filling, sustaining and directing, therefore something of his own activity is stamped on all things which have been touched by his living breath, from the great orb that warms and enlightens us, down to the smallest atom that quivers in his beams. All things have an appointed use, a specific end and a determinate mode of action, because something of the Divine Love and Wisdom is in them all as their guiding and controling power. This is true of the sun's light and heat, of the air we breathe and the earth we tread, as well as of everything that lives and grows upon it. The smallest grain of dust is the containant of something of God's wisdom which directs it to its appointed goal, and of something of his love which impels it to the performance of its allotted work. And ascending to the realm of organic matter, the activity of life becomes more apparent. There is life of a low order in plants and trees; and it is ever at work there—ever busy at its appointed use. When its vital forces are so obstructed that their activity ceases in a blade of grass or the limb of a tree, straightway that blade or limb withers and dies.

Then look at animal life, especially as manifested in the higher orders. It not only courses in one continuous current through their veins and arteries, imparting health and activity to each separate organ, but it sets the whole animal in motion. Each creature has its sphere of use, and its determinate mode of action; and both its action and its use are according to the nature of its life. It must act as its life impels it, else it cannot enjoy its full share of happiness, health or content.