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This, then, is an everlasting law—a law to which angels in heaven and men on earth are alike subject—that the rich treasures of the heart are increased by being used, and diminished if not used. Nothing is more certain than this. The more we exercise patience, the more patient we become. The more we do justly, the more are our hearts imbued with the love of justice. The more scrupulously we obey the laws of the heavenly life, the more delight do we find in obeying them, and the more do we receive of the spirit of those laws. The more faithfully and unselfishly we devote ourselves to any worthy cause or useful calling—the more we give of affection and thought and study and effort to the upbuilding of God's kingdom, the more is our affection for the things of that kingdom strengthened, our capacity for receiving them enlarged, and the freer and more abundant is their influx. Agreeable to these words of the Lord: "Give, and it shall be given unto you." Give love and sympathy, and your love and sympathy will increase. Give patience and kindness and tenderness and generosity, and you will receive a larger measure of these same graces. Exercise courage, and you will grow more courageous. Do justly, and your sense of justice will become keener and your love of justice stronger. Practice the laws of the heavenly life, and fresh increments of that life and clearer views of its laws will flow into your soul day by day. The more you do to enlighten and purify and bless others, the more of the light and purity and unselfish devotion of heaven will be poured into you from on high. As saith the incarnate Word: "For unto every one that hath shall be given,