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Let this New doctrine concerning life in heaven be generally accepted, and become thoroughly imbedded in the popular mind and heart, and what a stupendous change in human society would speedily be wrought! Heaven brought down to earth! The Father's will done here below, as it is done in the realms above! What activity, contentment, abundance, harmony, peace and joy would be here! Millions of human beings all praising God by the diligent and loving performance of uses, in the blessings of which all alike are sharers!

Look at the doctrine in a practical point of view, and see if it be not worthy the high origin claimed for it. Consider what must be its legitimate fruits, and judge it by this divine standard; "for every tree is known by its own fruit." Surely a doctrine, the obvious tendency of which is so good and wholesome, cannot be false, nor can it have emanated from the darkness of the abyss. For it bears upon its front the very signet of God, the impress of his unfathomable love.



THE great merit of Swedenborg's pneumatology, and that which entitles it to the serious consideration of all thoughtful people, is, that it is based on the essential nature of the human soul. It is a legitimate outgrowth, as we have shown in the previous chapters,