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head is not only the highest part of the body, but is in every respect superior to the other parts. It is the part in which are located the organs of sense, whereby the bodily movements are determined and the physical life preserved. Thus, in relation to the other parts of the body, the head is the supreme, guiding and directing organ. Hence in every larger or collective man, it is usual to hear the supreme and directing power called the head. A military general is called the head of the army because he plans and directs its movements. So a king or president, with his constitutional advisers, is called the head of the government; and his cabinet officers are called the heads of the several departments of the government. The principal teacher in a school is the head of the school; the best scholar in a class is the head of his class; the chief owner and director of a factory or mercantile firm, is the head of the establishment.

Thus, in every association or corporate body the member which is invested with, or acknowledged as having, the right to direct, is called the head. And the fact of his being a governing or directing member, implies that he is in ends, or in the thought of ends. And Swedenborg tells us that the angels of the highest or third heaven, who constitute the head of the Grand Man, are in the thought of ends.

But what can the head of an individual do without the body and extremities? The body serves as the means, and the extremities are the servants or operatives. Thus the head, through the intermediate agency of the trunk, sets the extremities in motion, and thereby