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cherish hatred and revenge, who indulge in bitter and vindictive feelings toward enemies. All such dispositions and feelings are the legitimate offspring of self-love, and utterly opposed to the laws of life which God has revealed for the government of human spirits. And from the bosoms in which they dwell, they drive away all genuine peace, and induce a restless fever-heat which burns and burns to the core of life—a tormenting fire of hell.

Very different is the case with those who obey the laws of neighborly love; whose supreme desire is to render themselves useful—to do all the good they can in the world; who love, and seek to do good to, even their enemies; who have no desire to rule over but only to serve others; who care little for mere earthly rewards—the honors or praises of men; who claim no merit on account of what they know or do, but in their hearts acknowledge their utter dependence on the Lord, and ascribe all the honor and glory to Him. These are the truly great, wise and noble ones of earth, however obscure their names or humble their abode. Viewed in the light of that truth by which all souls are to be finally judged, they shine like stars even in this world. They are the golden links in God's great chain of love, connecting men on earth with the angels in heaven. Men call them angels—for some perception of the quality of angelic life is vouchsafed to many here on earth.

And such persons, too, are the only ones who know what true and substantial happiness is. They are happy because they obey the highest laws—laws divinely ordained and revealed for the government of human be-