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admit of some other interpretation more accordant with the testimony of these two witnesses. All who desire that the credit and authority of the Bible be maintained, must desire to see its language interpreted in such a manner (if this can be fairly done) as to make its teachings tally with the intuitions of our highest reason. Those who give to Scripture such an interpretation as requires (for its acceptance) the annihilation of reason or the repudiation of the lessons of experience, know not what they do. For in this way they are weakening the faith of thoughtful people in the divinity of the Scriptures, and engendering a skepticism none the less real and obstinate for being carefully concealed.

It is not the least among the merits of the New Christian Dispensation, that, while firmly based upon the inspired Word, it is yet a dispensation of rational religious truth. It holds that the Bible rightly interpreted, will ever be found in complete accord with the teachings of enlightened reason, true science, sound philosophy, human experience and the well-ascertained laws of our mental and moral constitution. If this claim be wellfounded, we ought to be able to show that the new doctrine announced by Swedenborg and affirmed by reason and experience, concerning the essential nature of heaven, is fully sustained by the teachings of Scripture. See, then, if this be not actually the case. "To the Law and to the Testimony." If Swedenborg "speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in him." (Isa, viii. 20.)

First, it is not to be denied that the Bible, interpreted in its lowest or strictly literal sense, often speaks of