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will and act under the influence of the Lord's own love, and according to the revealed laws of angelic life. Is it good and useful to mingle in the society, read the biographies and contemplate the character of true and righteous men? Does it quicken our aspirations, exalt our aims and incite us to higher and nobler endeavor? How much more quickening and exalting in its tendency, then, must be that pure and lofty standard of humanity as revealed through Swedenborg in the character of the angels! Its tendency is to raise us to the stature of spiritual manhood; for it discloses the sublime capabilities of the human soul—reveals the true "measure of a man, that is, of the angel." (Rev, xxi. 17.)

Let the hearts and lives of all men be formed after this heavenly pattern, and what a different world would this of ours be! The wilderness would indeed be changed to Eden, the desert to the garden of the Lord. People of different ranks and professions, of various climes and colors, would then form a shining band of brothers, bound each to each by the golden links of love. No hate, no scorn, no pride, no avarice, no self-seeking, no injustice, no tyranny, no violation of any of the divine laws of brotherhood, but mutual love and mutual help, united with deep humility and confiding trust, would be here. The Father's will would be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Men would be, as the angels are. God's ministering servants, striving mutually to aid and bless each other. A great family of loving, joyous, happy, obedient children, all looking up with filial love and reverence to their heavenly Father, and