Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/209

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Connie Puts One Over

"What's on your mind, son?" he asked.

"If you please, sir," stammered Connie, "can I report later?"

The Superintendent smiled: "A matter of importance?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," answered Connie, "but there's a man out here that says he wants to see you. Can I bring him in?"

"Who is he? What does he want?"

"Oh, he's—he says he's been prospecting up on the McQuesten. He's heard a lot about the Mounted, and he'd like to visit headquarters."

"All right, show him in," growled the Superintendent, fingering the report, "probably another one of those fellows that want to tell us how to run the country." And the Superintendent wondered whether he had seen a smile on Special Constable Morgan's lips as he hurried from the room.

In the barracks Connie found the prospector seated at the table between two constables. The man was glancing over some photographs which he held in his hand. They were photographs of Notorious Bishop, and the constables were eagerly detailing some of the man's spectacular adventures. The boy advanced toward the group, smiling.