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King Henry the Fourth, I. iii

I tell thee,
He durst as well have met the devil alone 116
As Owen Glendower for an enemy.
Art thou not asham'd? But, sirrah, henceforth
Let me not hear you speak of Mortimer:
Send me your prisoners with the speediest means, 120
Or you shall hear in such a kind from me
As will displease you. My Lord Northumberland,
We license your departure with your son.
Send us your prisoners, or you will hear of it. 124

Exit King [with Blunt and train].

Hot. An if the devil come and roar for them,
I will not send them: I will after straight
And tell him so; for I will ease my heart,
Albeit I make a hazard of my head. 128

North. What! drunk with choler? stay, and pause awhile:
Here comes your uncle.

Enter Worcester.

Hot.Speak of Mortimer!
'Zounds! I will speak of him; and let my soul
Want mercy if I do not join with him: 132
In his behalf I'll empty all these veins,
And shed my dear blood drop by drop i' the dust,
But I will lift the down-trod Mortimer
As high i' the air as this unthankful king, 136
As this ingrate and canker'd Bolingbroke.

North. Brother, the king hath made your nephew mad.

Wor. Who struck this heat up after I was gone?

Hot. He will, forsooth, have all my prisoners;

121 kind: way
125 An if: even if
126 straight: immediately
128 Albeit . . . hazard: though at the risk
129 choler: anger
137 canker'd: malignant
Bolingbroke; cf. n.