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King Henry the Fourth, II. iv

stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish-pouch,—81

Fran. O Lord, sir, who do you mean?

Prince. Why then, your brown bastard is
your only drink; for, look you, Francis, your
white canvas doublet will sully. In Barbary, sir,
it cannot come to so much.

Fran. What, sir?

Poins [within.] Francis! 88

Prince. Away, you rogue! Dost thou not
hear them call?

Here they both call him; the Drawer stands amazed, not knowing which way to go.

Enter Vintner.

Vint. What! standest thou still, and hearest
such a calling? Look to the guests within.
[Exit Drawer.] My lord, old Sir John, with
half a dozen more, are at the door: shall I let
them in?

Prince. Let them alone awhile, and then
open the door. [Exit Vintner.] Poins! 97

Enter Poins.

Poins. Anon, anon, sir.

Prince. Sirrah, Falstaff and the rest of the
thieves are at the door: shall we be merry? 100

Poins. As merry as crickets, my lad. But
hark ye; what cunning match have you made
with this jest of the drawer? come, what's the
issue? 104

Prince. I am now of all humours that have

80 caddis: worsted ribbon
Spanish-pouch: an indefinite term of reproach
83 ff.; cf. n.
102 match: bargain