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The First Part of

Fal. How now, lad! is the wind in that door,
i' faith? must we all march?

Bard. Yea, two and two, Newgate fashion.

Host. My lord, I pray you, hear me. 104

Prince. What sayest thou, Mistress Quickly?
How does thy husband? I love him well, he is
an honest man.

Host. Good my lord, hear me. 108

Fal. Prithee, let her alone, and list to me.

Prince. What sayest thou, Jack?

Fal. The other night I fell asleep here behind
the arras and had my pocket picked: this house
is turned bawdy-house; they pick pockets. 113

Prince. What didst thou lose, Jack?

Fal. Wilt thou believe me, Hal? three or four
bonds of forty pound a-piece, and a seal-ring of
my grandfather's. 117

Prince. A trifle; some eight-penny matter.

Host. So I told him, my lord; and I said I
heard your Grace say so: and, my lord, he speaks
most vilely of you, like a foul-mouthed man as
he is, and said he would cudgel you. 122

Prince. What! he did not?

Host. There's neither faith, truth, nor wo-
manhood in me else. 125

Fal. There's no more faith in thee than in a
stewed prune; nor no more truth in thee than
in a drawn fox; and for womanhood, Maid
may be the deputy's wife of the ward to
thee. Go, you thing, go.

Host. Say, what thing? what thing?

103 Newgate: a prison
128 drawn fox: a fox driven from cover and tricky in his attempts to get back
128-129 Cf. n.