Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/8

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No Wave of Horror when the Christian capitalists of this country—I believe the whole bunch claim to be Christians—if there is a heathen among them, I beg to be corrected—shot down the workingmen at Homestead, at Pullman, at Cripple Creek or the Coeur d'Alene.

Not a wave went forth from pulpit, press or justice-bench. at these horrors.

Murder looks all right, if only the "upper classes" commit it, or hire thugs to do it for them.

The thing has been so damnably common and universal that the conscience and horse-sense of the race has become thoroughly seared and benumbed by centuries of atrocities committed by the master class.


Two hundred and sixty-four miners killed in the coal mines at Cherry, because the capitalist mine owners had wantonly refused to protect the mines according to the mining laws of Illinois;

Nobody went to the pen.

A hundred and forty seven working girls burned to a crisp in a shirt waist fire trap in New York;

No Wave of Horror big enough to sentence anybody for this.

The New York courts acquitted the owners of the fire trap.

Waves of horror do not sweep that way.

What is war but murder?

You don't believe me? Listen to what Senator Chauncey M. Depew once said. He was not a Socialist, as you are doubtless aware. Mr. Depew said at a republican convention a few years ago:

What is the tendency of the future? Why this war in South Africa? Why this hammering at the gates of Pekin? Why these