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Dickerson, W. W., lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born JSTov. 39, 1851, in Grant county, Ky. He was county attorney in 1874-78 and was elected a member of the state house of representatives in 1885. He was a member of the state senate in 1887-90. In 1889-93 he was a representa;

tive from Kentucky to the fifty-first and fifty-second congresses as a democrat. Dickerson, William Fisher, clergyman, bishop, was born Jan. 18, 1844, in Woodbury, X..J. In ISSO he was elected thirteenth bishop; and given charge of the work in South Carolina and Georgia. In 1880 he founded Allen university of Columbia, S.C., of which he was president for four years. He died in December, 1884, in Columbia, S.C. Dickert, David Augustus, soldier, planter, author, was born Aug. 2, 1845, in Lexington, In 1861 he entered the confederate S.C. states army; was in all the great battles; and surrendered with Johnson at Greensboro in 1805. Be is the author of History of Kershaw's brigade, Longstreet's Corps. Dickert, Th.omas W., educator, clergyman, author. Wiis born ilarch 9. 1869, in Bucks county, Pa. In ]S86 he graduated from the Quakertown high school; in 1894 grad-



from Franklin Marshall college

of Lancaster, Pa.;


1897 from the The-


seminary of reformed church the United States. has taught in the


the in


public schools of Bucks county; in the Franklin and Marshall academy ; and in the Allen-

town college for women. In 1897-1902 he was pastor at Macungie, Pa.; and since 1902 has been pastor at Reading, Pa. He is the author of Two Hundred Questions on Ancient History; Two Hundred Questions on United States History; The Life of Calvin S. Gerhard, D.D.; and The History of St. Stephen's Reformed Church. Dickey, Ebenezer, clergyman, author, was born March 12, 1772, near Oxford, Pa. In 1792-1831 he was pastor of the churches of Oxford and Octoraro, Pa. He published A Tract to Parents; a pamphlet entitled Plea for Christian Communion; and wrote for the Christian Advocate a series of letters on Travels in Europe for Health in 1820. He

May 31, 1831, in Oxford, Pa. Dickey, Henry L., civil engineer, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was bom Oct. 29, 1832, in South Salem, Ohio. He was a representative in the state legislature in 1861; was a state senator in 1867-68; and in 1877-79 he was a representative from Ohio to the forty-fifth and forty-sixth congresses as a democrat. Dickey, James Edward, clergyman, educadied




was bom



1864, in Jeffersonville, Ga.

In 1891-99 he

was professor in Emory college; and in 18901902 was pastor of Grace church at Atlanta, Ga. Since 1902 he became president of Emory college at Oxford, Ga. Dickey, Jesse C, congressman, was born in Chester county. Pa. In 1849-51 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-first congress. He died in Pennsylvania.

Dickey, John, congressman, was born in Beaver, Pa. In 1843-45 and 1847-49 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twenty-eighth and thirtieth congresses. At the time of his death he was United States marshal for western Pennsylvania. He died March 14, 1853, in Beaver, Pa. Dickey, Jan. 23, president sociation;

John Lindsay, physician, was born 1855, in


Wheeling, W.Va.



Young men's

christian asis director of the National exand other corporations in

of the

change bank Wheeling, W.Va. Dickey, John McElroy, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 16, 1789, in York district, S. C. He went on missionary tours; and organized many new churches in Indiana, the beginnings of the presbyterian _ehureh in that territory. He was the author of a History of the Presbyterian Church in Indiana. He died Nov. 21, 1849, near Washington, Ind. Dickey, John Miller, clergyman, educator, was born Dec. 15, 1806, in Oxford, Pa. He conducted the Oxford female seminary for fifteen years in addition to his pastoral duties. He took the principal part in establishing the Ashmun institute, afterward Lincoln

university, at Oxford; and was president of the board of trustees in 1854-78. He died JIarch 21, 1878, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Dickey, Moses R., soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Nov. 4, 1827, in Richland county, Ohio. He served as lieutenant-colonel and colonel in the fifteenth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry. He served as judge of court of








was born April 6, 1823, in Brighton, Pa. He was district attorney for Lancaster county in 1856-59; and in 1867-73 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fortieth, forty-first and forty-second congresses as a republican. He died April 21, 1876, in Lancaster, Pa. Dickey, Solomon Cravens, clergyman, college president, was born June 24, 1858, in Columbus, Ind. In 1882-94 he filled pastorates in Nebraska and Indiana. He was one of the founders of the Winona assembly and summer school at Winona Lake, Ind. He is president of the Winona agricultural institute; andalso president of the Winona technical institute at Indianapolis, Ind. Dickey, Theophilus Lyle, lawyer, jurist, was born Nov. 12, 1812, near Paris, Ky. He removed to Ohio, liberated the slaves that he had inherited; and afterward established