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6 The warldly race may riches chase, A»d riches still may flee, them, O, And though at last they catch them fast. Their hearts can ne'er enjoy them, O

But gie me a cannie hour at e'en, My arms about my dearie, O, And wardly cares and wardly men, May a‘ gae tapsalteerie, O.

For you sae douse who sneer at this, Ye‘re nought but senseless asses, O, The wisest man the warld e’er saw. He dearly lov’d the lasses, O.

And Nature swears the lovely dears, Her noblest work she classes, O, Her prentice hand she tried on man, And then she made the lasses, O.


WILLIE Wastle dwalt on Tweed, The spot they ca’d it Linkumdoddie, Willie was a wabster gude, Cou’d stown a clue wi’ ony body.