Page:History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland.djvu/155

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128 HISTORY OF BISHOP AUCKLAND. then standing in the names of Lord Barrington^ the Honourable W. K Barrington, the Honourable A. Barrington, and the Honourable R Barrington ; and out of this sum £436 was paid to the treasurer of the Barrington School fund, towards its support and maintenanca Of this money J6110 was paid to the master (Mr. Dote), for one year's salary and allowance for fees. The same year a further sum of £l,743 17a 6d. was also invested in the funds to accumulate from time to time, and to be applied in case any emergency or other unforseen circumstances should arise respecting the school or the management thereo£ The accounts of this charity were much similar in subsequent years to those already given. In 1854, the only addition to the expenditure was the expenses of the Eev. G. E. Green to London, £7, and £2 18s. Od. given for advertising for a schoolmaster (at the time, in all probability, when the Madras system was laid aside), and a farther sum of £52 paid to twenty-six apprentices, as a gratuity by the trusteea The accounts for the following year, 1855, disclose that a further sum of £602 19s. 6d. was invested in the funds, and, also, that a master and an assistant had been appointed, at salaries of £90 and £41 4s. lOd. respectively ; whilst the late master (Mr. Dote) had retired from lus scholastic duties on a pension of £60 per annum, and a pension had also been awarded by the trustees to the late housekeeper of £30. The stationery for the year had largely increased as compared with previous statements, it amounting to the sum of £26 11& 4d., and the rewards to monitors amounted to £20. In 1856, the year's capitation grants were £29 16a, and the schools' pence £117 17s. 9d. ; whilst the expenditure for school salaries, including pensions, was £257 10s. About this time new schools for the girls and infants, were built opposite Belvedere Terrace, but from what pource the funds came we have no account In the income for the year 1857 is included a sum of £l6 for the capitation grant to the boys' and £5 5s. for the girls, whilst the pence of those two schools and the infants' school amounted to £107 8s. 4d. The expenditure was £717 6s. 2d., included in which was the master's salary augmentation in his certificate, not allowed by the Committee of Council to endowed schools, £117 10s. and the assistant £45. The pensions to the late master and housekeeper are also included. There is an addition to the expenditure in the shape of £40 to the mistress of the girls' school and £35 to the like official of the infant school The year's stationery is set at £41 15s 6d. The repairs amounted to £54 Oa 7d., which includes £4 5s. lid. for a carpet to the master's room. There is also a sum of £5 towards the subscription to the prize scheme, and the night school, £6. Simis of £10 each were contributed to the Bedlington, Greatham, and South Church Schools ; and also £50 to St John's Schools, Darlington ; and to the Barrington School class-room, £93. In the accounts for 1859 we find the salaries to the masters and mistresses amounted to the sum of £327 2s. lid., including the pensions to the late master and housekeeper. In the following year the amount from the capitation grant and scholars' pence was £100 19s. lid. The sum paid to school officials was £334 6s. 8d., or an increase of £7 3s. 9d., a portion of which (£2 10s) was given to the master, and the remainder to his assistant. The school at present numbers nearly 200 boys, and is conducted by a head master, an assistant master, and two pupil teachera The school was withdrawn from government inspection about four years ago, but was again placed under inspection in 1871. At the examination held on the 6th May, 1872, 99 per cent of those boys scheduled for examination passed in the standard subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and one class of boys were also examined in the two extra subjects of algebra and geography, all of whom passed. Her Majesty's Inspector, H. E. Oakeley, Esq., made the following report on the school : — " The scholars have passed a remarkably good examination in all respects." The head master is Mr. M. Hammond. Digitized by Google