Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/146

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126 HISTORY 01- ART IN I'IKIAICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. vj 5. I^ccoration. So far as we can tell from the remains, the Phoenician architect, like his brother of Egypt, had but one way of finishing his buildings at the top. His entablatures were composed of .<.., (,,!. FIG. 59. Eg)-ptian Coffer. I.ouvre. Drawn by St. Elme-Gautiei. an architrave and a cornice, the section of the latter almost always the same as that Egyptian gorge which is to be found on every ancient building from one end of the Nile valley to the other. To recall its form to our readers, we here reproduce an Egyptian coffer of painted wood, in which the general appearance of a stone