Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/172

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152 HlSloRV O! AUT IN PllU.Mt 1A AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. wherever it still exists, its walls are notched at regular intervals to facilitate ascent and descent. One of these wells widens out at the bottom, giving it a kind of bottle shape. 1 Of this tomb rt'i I.I 1- ic,. 89. TmnI) at Ainrit. Perspective of interior. From Kenan. we give a view in perspective of the interior (Fig. 89), a plan (Fig. 90) and a section (Fig. 91). - y o FIGS. 90 and 91. Tomb at Amrit. Plan and section. From Renan. At the bottom of the well, low doorways give access to chambers varying in number according to the importance of the sepulchre. These chambers communicate one with another by doorways and flights of steps, so that those farthest from the entrance are buried 1 RKNAN, Mission^ pp. "8,79.