Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/202

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iS2 HISTORY <>F ART IN PIKK.NICIA AND ITS I )I-:I > KDKCIKS. of the decadence, is the leaden sarcophagus which is found chiefly in the necropolis of Sidon. 1 It is made up of leaden plates cast Kir.. 120. Sarcophagus from Oum-el-Awamiil. Kmm Kenan. in a mould and then soldered one to another (Fig. 123). The myth of Psyche is very often represented on these leaden coffins, Kir,. 121. Cippus from Salon. II 'iglit 14 indies. From Kenan. which are to be found, so far as we know, only in Phoenicia. In ' RF.NAN, Mission, p. 427, and jilate lx. fig. r.