Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/260

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240 HISTORY OF ART IN PIKKMCIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. wells, which are sometimes surrounded by a low wall of loose stones, are from twenty to twenty-four feet deep. They are often shaped like a rectangular chimney (Fig. 169), but sometimes their vertical section is that of several truncated pyramids placed one upon another (Figs. 170 and i/i). Upon their walls we may still trace here and there such emblems as the crux ansata and the disk and crescent. After a funeral these wells were filled with rubble. Now and then we find two chambers, not en suite, but one above the other, and opening into the same well but at different levels. In these chambers with wells the dead were, as a rule, placed with their feet towards the door. 1 This is the most ancient form of all, the least removed from the Egyptian prototype, so that we are not surprised to meet with it on '. .. .>;.-,-.-:, ' FIG. 167. Plan of a tomb at Sulcis. From La Marmora. - the shores of the fine anchorage of Calaris, now Cagliari. This harbour opens to the south-east close to the southernmost point of desire more circumstantial details of these Sardinian tombs may consult the following works with advantage : A. DELLA MARMORA, Voyage en Sardaigne et Itincraire de Vile de Sardaigne pour faire Suite au Voyage dans cette Contree, 5 vols. 8vo, 1839- 1860, and folio of plates without date. The part dealing specially with antiquities is vol. ii. with the forty plates in the second part of the Atlas. On many pages of the Itineraire, too, information of more recent date is given. V. CRESPI, Catalogo Illustrate della Raceolta di Antichita Sarde Possedute da I Signor Raimondo Chessa (4to, Cagliari, 1868, 157 pp. and 8 plates), pp. 114, 115, i47> *5- l 57- ELENA, Scavi nella Necropoli . Occidental di Cagliari (Cagliari, 410, 1868, i plate). It is unfortunately difficult to procure these curious and interesting works outside the island. I owe my ability to refer to them to the kindness of MM. Pais and Crespi. 1 ELENA, Scari, &c. p. 15. 2 Atlas, part ii. plate 35.