Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/330

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3oS HISTORY OK ART IN PHCKNICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. fifty-three feet eight inches. There is no sign of any kind of roof. The sacred emblem alone seems to have been protected against the weather ; and the rest of the building was open to the sky. In the right hand apse of the second chamber there is a basin cut in the rock which forms the floor ; it was used, no doubt, for ablutions. Some quadrangular blocks which stand up through the soil in the same chamber must have been altars. In front of the apse in the first hall the stones are covered with an elaborate decoration of spirals and of bosses in the shape of women's breasts Kir,. 221. Plan of the Gigantcia at (Jozo. From La Marmora. with a hole in the centre. 1 On one block a snake or an eel-shaped fish is chiselled. 2 We shall again encounter this same barbaric decoration at Hagiar Kim. The second temple, situated to the south of the one just described, is less interesting ; the floors of the apses lie at the same level as that of the central passage. There are neither altars nor elaborately carved stones. Either the building was 1 LA MARMORA, plate i. figs. m. and . Ibid, plate i. fig. g.