Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/75

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ORIGIN OF THE PHOENICIANS. 55 and the other cities of the coast hastened to submit to the con- queror. Tyre alone listened to her pride rather than to her interests. She was ready to acknowledge herself the vassal of Macedonia on the same terms as those granted by Persia, but she refused to allow Alexander to march at the head of his guard through those gates which had never yet been passed by a conqueror. She paid dearly for her resistance. After a siege of FIG. 1 6. Fragment of a, votive stele from Carthage. French National Library. seven months she was taken and sacked. The mole by which the besiegers joined her to the mainland changed her situation for ever. She was no longer an island. To be mistress of the seas no longer sufficed to make her impregnable, 351 and 348. But GROTE gives us very good reasons for believing that neither Egypt nor Phoenicia can have been reduced before 346 and 345 (History of Greece. vol. xi. p. 4-43, n. 3, and 441 n. 3).