Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/210

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186 HISTORY OP the green bottle of Jamaica. In the morning they skinned the panther, which measured eight feet from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail, and carried the skin with them as a trophy of the adventure ; but the deer they left as it was, except they cut a steak from its haunches, which they easily cooked over the coals for their breakfast. But after the panther was killed, the remainder of the night was far from being silent, for the wolves had scented the blood of the conflict, and ran howling about till near daylight, and also the screams of another panther were heard, but at a greater distance. These voices were but sport for the Indian, which he often imitated at the top of his voice, but effectually pre- vented their too near approach by the brightness of the fire, and the frequent shots of their guns. Thus passed the first night of their journey in the woods. No other incident worthy of record occurred during the remain- der of their wilderness trip, although out several nights, except the sight of plenty of deer, and the howling of the wolves. When they were first awakened by the screams of the animal, they could easily have frightened it away, by firing their guns and rousing the fire, but the Indian wished an encounter, as he had no fears about its issue. They at length came out at the desired place on the Susque- hanna, where the river is now crossed by the Unadilla bridge, which place was for a long time before and after, known by the appellation of Wattles' Ferry, from Sluman Wattles, an early settler, who kept a skiff for the accommodation of those who wished to cross or recross the Susquehanna. From Wattles' ferry they pursued their way down the Sus- quehanna, toward the land of Harper; at sunset they encamped for the night on an eminence near the bank of the river, not far from Bainbridge. While preparing a place to sleep among the leaves and brush, they heard below a splash in the water, which very much frightened them, not knowing from what