Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/23

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from a letter to the adjutant general—Organization of an armed force by the sheriff—Steele in limbo at Andes— His defence — Letter to the sheriff—His release—Antipathy of anti-renters against Steele—His courage—Their threats—Shacksville battle—Particulars of the same—Names of prisoners—Sale in Andes— Painful death of Steele—His last moments—Extract from the correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal—Funeral services—Indignation meetings at various places—Resolutions passed-^Summerset of anti-rentism.

Action of the Executive—Proclamation of county in a state of insurrection-^Copy of the same—Its reception in Delhi—Arrival of Adjutant General Farrington—Organization of an armed force— Officers chosen—^Extract from a letter—Mode of operating—Erection of temporary log-jails—Convening of the court—Grand jury—Judge Parker's able charge—Allusion in the same to the demoralizing influence of the excitement upon the county—Result of the trials—number of convictions—O'Connor and Van Steenburgh convicted of murder—Sentence of the prisoners—Court adjourns—Attempt on the life of a guard—Reprieve of the sentences of O'Connor and Van Steenburgh—Revocation by the governor, of the declaration " declaring the county in a state of insurrection"—Close—Closing remarks.
The following sketch of the services of the late Timothy Murphy in the border warfare of the revolution, were kindly furnished the author, and although in some respects they deviate from what he / conceives to be truth, in the main he has ascertained them to be correct.
The following interesting production, from the pen of a daughter of E. B. Fenn, Esq., is inserted, at the request of numerous friends.