Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/25

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HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY. CHAPTER 1. Histoiy — Its origin — Causes of its developement — Its influence on a free Government — Divisions of History in point of time — Divisions in regard to subject — General History — Particular History — History of Delaware County; a particular History — Early purchases made of the Indians — Their dissatisfaction — Deed of purchase of 1768 — Extent of the purchase — Consideration paid — Effects pro- duced by the final adjustment of Indian claims — Commencement of emigration. History with the more and more extensive meaning acquired by the advancement of civilization, by the diffusion of education, and by the elevation of the standard of human liberty, has expanded into a grand and beautiful science. It treats of man in all his social relations, whether civil, religious, or hterary, in which he has had intercourse with his fellows. The study of history, to a free government like the one in which we live, is an indispensable requisite to the improve- ment and elevation of the human race. It leads us back through the ages that have succeeded each other in time past ; it exhibits the condition of the human race at each respective 1