Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/275

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 251 where a sale at any givea sum is contemplated^ at the proposed price, if desirous to do so. But aside from these reservations, and such others as may have been agreed to, as well by the tenant as by the landlord, it rests entirely with the tenant whether he will have a constant and lasting home, or surrender it. Holding possession of his landed estate under a contract, in which the rent, whether in kind or amount, is particularly mentioned and specified, fulfilling Ms part of the agreement, he need have no fear that the avarice or hostility of his land- lord can place any other burthen upon him, than what he himself has consented to bear. Claiming and exercising only such privileges as he has covenanted to receive, and giving in return therefor, such equivalent as he has agreed, the grow- ing population of the country, the increased productiveness, and consequent enhanced value of the land, can make no addi- tion to the sums he has to pay for occupancy. If the products of his toil and the beasts of his field bring a more than usual return, no cupidity can demand a proportionate increase in the amount due from him for the soil he cultivates. The farm he tills, he knows its bounds, the rent he pays he knows its pre- sent sum, and the amount for any future time. Here is a stability beyond the possibility of variation, provided he so wishes, and so determines. The second kind is the redemption lease, uniting the pecu- liarities and benefits of a lease, with the vested right to become the owner of the fee. Under leases of this character, the tenant may pay, for the use and occupancy of the soil, the stipulated rent, or he may purchase, at a specified price, the fee, and in very many cases, upon whatever part of the purchase-money he pays, legal interest is allowed him, which is applied as so much towards the agreed rent. Two alternatives are offered him, either of which he may adopt ; or he may hold under ^ both at the same time, as in the case of part payment of the purchase-money, and payment of rent, exceeding the interest