Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/390

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366 HISTORY OP reinnined cigliteen years. About two years siuce he clinnged Ms resideuce to Preble^ Cortlaudt county. Last fall lie came to this village^ and arranged his affairs to make Bloom ville his permanent residence, but death has taken him to the spirit land. While a resident of Stamford he was a member of the Methodist church of this place. He was prepared and resigned to die, and assured his friends that it would be w^ell with him. It is only seven weeks since we recorded the death of his wife. His funeral will take place to day at 1 o'clock p.m., at the church in this village. Sermon by Rev. D. Gribson. From the same paper of May 17, 1853. Died — In Bovina, on the 7th inst., Mr. Thomas Hamilton, aged seventy-nine years. He has been a resident of Bovina some fifty-two years. Died— In Middlebury, Yt., on the 8th of June, 1853^ Major Joseph Duren, (father of Charles W. Duren, of Bloomville, N. Y.) in his 70th year. He was a major in the war of 1812, and participated in a number of engagements, particularly at Plattsburg and others, when the passage of the lake was so sharply contested in that remarkable war. He di^d universally respected, and a large circle of friends mourn his loss. — [^Rutland Herald. In Delhi, on the 3rd of October, 1853, William Charles Christiani, aged forty-six years. Mr. Christiani, at the time of his death, was a copyist in the county clerk's oifice. We examined a book of six hun- dred pages, executed by him, the other day, and think it the neatest and best copied book in the office. Mr. Christiani, was a Grerman, and soon after his arrival to this country was employed in painting window-shades in this village. He was respected by all who knew him. — ^Ed. Died — In Meredith, Delaware, county, on the 17th Decern-