Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/393

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 369 anrionnced with greater regret than that of Adam Thomas^ Jr., Esq. A correspondent says : ^^The sudden death of this gentleman, which occurred od Tuesday of last week, from congestion occasioned hj the too free use of cold water, while heated hy labor under a burning sun, is deeply lamented by his numerous friends, and his loss is felt by all as a public calamity ; cut down in the prime of vigorous manhood, in the midst of an energetic, useful, and ■' ■ upright life, the remembrance of his amiable qualities and ■ many virtues will long continue. To his bereaved family his loss is irreparable/^ One of the most prominent traits of Mr. Thomas, was his enterprise and public spirit. A few weeks before his death ^ he accompanied the author in making the preliminary surveys of a railroad route, known as the Rosebrook and Bloom ville route, to ascertain the feasability of constructing the Syracuse and Newburgh proposed railroad, through the places men- tioned. And it is due to him to. state, that it was mainly owing to his efforts that this survey was finally made. Died— In Hobart, August 31st, 1854, Gen. Orrin Griffin^ aged about 50 years. A correspondent says : The village of Hobart has again been called to mourn the loss of one of its most active, esti- mable business men. Gen. Orrin Griffin died on Monday evening, the 31st ult., aged fifty years. The funeral solemni- ties were celebrated on Wednesday, at the Episcopal church, where an appropriate and impressive discourse was delivered by Rev. Wm. A Curtis, to an unusually large congregation. The occasion called together many persons from adjoining villages and towns; from Bloomville, Bovina, Roxbury, Kort- right and Harpersfield. The decease of General Griffin, will be irreparable to his surviving widow, greatly lamented by his numerous relatives, and deeply felt by the community at large. Taken from his ordinary business, apparently in usual health,