Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/139

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1577-1 VOYAGE OF SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 123 which had brought from London a Puritan minister who could talk Spanish. 1 These vessels, with a hundred and sixty-four men, composed the force. The object of the expedition was kept as far as possible a secret. Some of the party believed they were going to the Mediterranean. Others supposed that it was to be a voyage of discovery into the southern hemisphere. But the armament betrayed that danger was looked for of some kind. The Pelican carried twenty brass and iron guns. She had others as ballast in her hold, with heavy stores of cartridges, 'wildfire, chainshot, guns, pistols, bows, and other weapons in great abundance.' 2 Curiosity was provoked by preparations so unusually warlike, and it was not long before the traitors at the Court penetrated the mystery. The refugees sent warn- ing to Philip, 3 and Mendoza, having discovered that the squadron was going certainly to the coast of Peru, bade < his friends at Madrid set the Viceroy on his guard, and direct him to sink every vessel that he could catch, with every living thing on board. If there was any 1 Mendoza considered this minis- ter the most pernicious feature in the expedition. 'En los naos,' he wrote, ' que he scripto que partieron a. robar a la carrera de las Indias he venido a deseuhrir que emhio una tnuy pequena un consejero desta Keyna, grandisimobellaeo y Puritano terrible, por solo embiar en ella un ministro que hablaba la lengua es- paiiola, con intencion de que se que- mase &. las armadas, armando el he- rege para solo este efecto el navio. No he podido entender el nombrc del predicante, lo qual procurare con toda la diligencia, pues es de tanta impor- tancia atajar el passo para que no entresemejante pestilencia en aquella tierra.' Mendoza a Cayas, 7 Junio, 1579 : MSS. Simancas. 2 Deposition taken by a Spanish officer in the Indies touching Mr Drake. Contemporary translation : MSS. Spain, Rolls House.. 8 N. Sanders to Philip, July 15, 1578: MSS. Simancas.