Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/221

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VOYAGE OF SIR FKANCIS DRAKE. 205 not to assume an open and honourable attitude it would be better to risk these minor inconveniences and renew the league which Charles V. had made with Henry VIII. It could not now be re-established without the intro- duction of a clause against the Queen of Scots. 1 Yet notwithstanding, so weak, so ineffectual, so discreditable, had been Philip's diplomacy, that Mendoza advised him to submit to necessity to offer his hand cordially and frankly to his sister-in-law, and to leave the Queen of Scots to her fate. 2 He promised to observe the utmost caution to feel his way with the lead-line in his hand ; but, after all, he said that the Queen had done but little for Don Antonio, and he expressed a serious hope that Philip would empower him to make the offer, should an opportunity arise. 3 Philip's answer is not among the Spanish archives, 1 ' Agora cuando se le tratase a la Reyna lo de renovar las confedera- ciones, en deraas, en las primeras platicas, indubitadamente creo que lo primero que se propornia seria se haga liga contra la de Escocia por ser de quien ella mas se reqela, teni- endo que con el titulo de Catolica y augmento de la verdadera religion, ha de ser ayudada y favorescida para su demanda de V. Mag d con mas calor que de otro ningun Principe Christiano ; por ser esta maxima que tienen concebida ella y sus consejeros y hereges, y sobre la cual se afirman en inquietar por todas vias a V. M d , para impedir que no pueda volver los ojos a la reduccion deste Reynoj de manera que no siendo servido V Mag d condescender en semejantt? punto, el presentarles no sirvina sino hacerles cierta su sospecha.' Don Bernardino al Hey, 20 Nov bre : MSS. Simancas. 2 ' Por cuyo respecto supplicand< a V. Mag d perdone tan gran atrevi- miento, seria de parecer que ya qu, algunas otras consideracioues que yo no puede alcancjar pidan se trate desto, se le se aclarase con la Reyna quando quisiese mayor seguridad que el decide V. Mag d le hara amistad, correspondiendo ella con la misma llaneza y verdad, ofrecelle el ratificar las ligas pasadas.' Ibid. Ibid.