Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/380

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364 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 66. vasion hud been canvassed for years ; yet now, when the enterprise was on the eve of execution, he preferred to reconsider the whole question. When de Tassis's letter of the 4th of May reached him, he sent Guise word that he was glad he was so well employed, that he wished Mm success, and would give him money ; but he desired first to learn particularly what he meant to do while, as it was contrary to Spanish political tradition to allow a Frenchman to gain a footing in England, and as de Tassis was under Cruise's influence, he wrote to Mendoza to send him a confidential opinion. 1 Mendoza's answer throws admirable light on the complications which embarrassed the Catholic cause. ' Your Majesty asks me/ he wrote, ' what I think of the Duke of Guise : whether his coming to England is open to the objection which we entertain generally against the introduction of the French into the island ; and whether it Avill be sufficient to help him with money, or if your Majesty should do more. I have many times insisted to your Highness that if the French invade Scotland or England in the interests of the Queen of Scots, and if they gain entire control of the situation, this much is certain, that the island will not be recovered to the Catholic faith. The French care little enough for it at home. Religion with them is but an accessory of politics, as they have shown in their transactions with the Low Countries. You can consider therefore the inconveniences which 1 Philip to de Tassis, June 6 ; Philip to Mendoza, June 6 : TEU- LET, vol. T.