Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/446

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430 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 66. abusing my youth and my authority, have taken posses- sion of my government, of the revenues of my estates, of the chief fortresses in the realm. They have de- prived me of every means of defending myself, or of delivering my mother, or recovering the rights which she possesses, along with myself, in the realm of Eng- land. 1 How best to remedy these things I shall be advised by my dear cousin of Guise, by whose counsel I am at present acting, in undertaking the defence of my dear and honoured lady and mother. I look also to satisfying your Holiness in all other things, especi- ally if in this my great necessity your Holiness stands my friend. 2 I must beseech your Holiness to let no one know that I have written to you. Should it get abroad, it will embarrass my position, and may prove my utter destruction, so weak am I, and so powerless to defend myself if I am assailed at once by my rebels, and by my neighbour of England, God grant your Holiness health and a long and happy life, with all spiritual graces. From my palace at Holyrood, Feb- ruary 19, 1584. 'Your Holiness's most humble and affectionate ' JAMES B,.' 3 In forwarding this letter to the Vatican, the Duke of Guise, through whom it was sent, added 1 ' Pour deliverer ma dame ma mere et recouvrer le droit qu'elle et moy avons au Royaulme d' Angle - terre." 2 ' J'espere aussi de pouvoir satis- faire a Vostre vSantite en toutes aul- tres choses, principalment si je suis secouru en une si grande necessite par vostre SantiteV 3 MSS. Simancas,