Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/538

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REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 67. He was received with cold curiosity, which however turned soon to interest as his character unfolded itself. Letters from Walsingham to Hunsdon, and from the Queen to the Earl of Arran, described his conditions as impossible and his communications as unimportant. In a few days he was revealing himself as ready to sell his services to England, to betray his patron, and make himself the instrument of a revolution which would re- place the King in the power of Angus and the Protest- on the Illiades of Homer, quhilk he ever carrit about with him, he did burst forth in thir wordis following. I esteeme not, said he, Achilles to have hene so happy for the good suc- cess he had in the weiris as he was in having so worthie ane trumpetour to hlare abrode immortaly, yea to all posterities and aages his worthy fame as Homere was. My Lord, albeit indeid Achilles was ornit with so divine and rare vertus as in that cace I can on no ways be justly compaired unto him, and that on the other point ye do far excell suche ane blinde begging fellow as Homere, yit in one thing I may be compairit unto him, I rneine Achilles, to witt that thaire is so wise and trustie ane counsellour as ye are about hir of quhoise amitie I have maid choise above all uther Princes if so she will accept of me, quho may and I am aussurit will further that amitie quhilk now be the bearar heirof my ambassadour I do crave of her. Quhome I have commandit not only to imparte his commission unto you, bot also to use your prescript in all thaise matters. The cause that movis me sa to do is the repoirt I have hard how ye have bene the man about your soueraigne thise tymes bygane quho hes had the chief and only caire of the well do- ing of my affaires, thair, and having directit this berar with mair special and secret commission than any I ever directit before. I have gevin charge thairfoire to deell maist specially and secreitly with you nixt the queue, our dearest sister, as he will shaw you mair at length, quhome earnestly desiring you to credit as myself with assurance of your contineuance in the furthering of all my adoos thaire and specially this present, I committ you, my lord and cousin, to Goddis holy protec- tion. ' From my pallais of holyrud- house, the I4th of October, 1584. ' Your assurit friend and cousin, 'JAMES E.' Autograph endorsed by Burghley, ' The King of Scots by the Master of Gray : ' MSS. Scotland,