Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 7.djvu/371

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1565] 7777s DARN LEY MARRIAGE. 351 a place among them/ if she had done any such thing. 1 At the same time she wrote to Randolph himself, saying frankly that her first impulse on Murray's ar- rival had been to accept partially, if not entirely, the conditions of peace which the Queen of Scots had offered to Tarn worth. If the Queen of Scots would promise not to molest either herself or her children in the pos- session of the English throne, she had been ready to pledge her word that nothin'g should be done in Eng- land in prejudice of the Queen of Scots' title to ' the second place.' On reflection however it had seemed imprudent to show excessive eagerness. She had there- fore written a letter which Randolph would deliver ; and he might take the opportunity of saying that although the Darnley marriage had interrupted the friendship which had subsisted between the Queen of Scots and herself, yet that she desired only to act hon- ourably and kindly towards her ; and if the Queen of Scots would undertake to keep the peace, and would give the promise which she desired, she would send commissioners to Edinburgh to make a final arrange- ment. 2 1 'Aussy je luy (Randolph) q,y declare tout au long le discours cntrc moy et ung de voz subjoctz lequel j'cspere vous contentera; soubhaitant -que voz oreillez en eussent ete juges pour y entendre et 1'honneur et 1' affection que je monstrois en vostre 'endroit ; tout au rebours de ce qu'on diet que je defendois voz mauvaises subjectz centre vous ; laquelle chose 82 tiendra tousjours tres eloignee de- mon coeur, estant trop grande igno- minic pour une princesse a souffrir, non que a faire; soubhaitant alors qu'on me esblouisse du rang des princes comme estant indigne de tenir lieu.' Elizabeth to the Queen of Scots, October 29 : Scotch MSS. Rolls Home. - Elizabeth to Randolph, October 29 : Scotch MSS. Rolls Hottse.