Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/513

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IS 7 1-] THE RIDOLFI CONSPIRACY. 499 execution of Elizabeth that, on the whole, God would look upon it with decided approbation. There were present, Cardinal Spinosa, Ruy Gomez, famous after- wards as the Prince of Eboli, the Papal Nuncio, the Grand Prior, Alva's son, Bon Ferdinand of Toledo, and the Duke of Feria. Chapin Vitelli had come across from Flanders to attend the council, with a purpose presently to be seen. The account of what passed is compendious taken down, apparently, in shorthand in some places confused, in others imperfect. The general drift however is intelligible, with some notice- able details. On the essential desirableness of inter- fering, and interfering promptly, in England, the whole Cabinet was agreed. The cause was the cause of God, and the King of Spain was the person on whom the duty manifestly devolved. The Catholic party was wearing away. It would never be stronger than it was at that moment. If the Catholic Powers hung back, it would lose heart and dissolve. The Queen of England might marry the French Prince, and heresy would be- come too powerful throughout Europe to be afterwards put down. The broad principle was plain ; the details were less easy to settle. Alva, who was supposed to have crushed the rebellion in the Low Countries, had long solicited his recall, preferring to leave to other hands the work of reconstruction and reconciliation. The Duke of Medina Celi had been chosen for his suc- cessor ; but with the usual slowness of Spanish move- ments, the preparations for the change were still incom-